Thursday, November 18, 2010

Food Allergies & Moms

Food allergies seem to be on the rise but could it be what mom does while pregnant that adds to that risk?

Researchers say---maybe. Maybe moms-to-be eating peanuts raises the risk of their child getting a peanut allergy.

Food allergies have been on the rise over the last few years. According to the CDC, the number of kids with food allergies rose by 18 percent over the last 10 years alone. Although no one is quite sure why there are plenty of theories. Some experts think it has to do with simply more parents aware of food allergies and reporting them more often. Others think it has to do with the "clean" childhood theory, the fact that kids these days aren't exposed to the same dirt and germs we were as kids---so their immune systems don't get strong early. And some believe it has to do with our western diet.

But one group of researchers looked at what mom's ate while pregnant and found that those eating peanuts while pregnant also had a greater chance of having children who were sensitive to peanuts as they grew up. This doesn't prove eating peanuts will cause your child to have a peanut allergy but, as these researchers say, simply highlights the need for more research.

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