Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fighting Alzheimer's With Language

When it comes to fending off Alzheimer's, you might want to learn a new language.

It all has to do with keeping the brain active and working. And that's what seems to be happening when you learn a new language---even later in life. Now here's what we know about Alzheimer's----keeping your brain active can help delay its onset. And once you learn a new language your brain sort of goes into overdrive by keeping both languages going at the same time. By keeping your brain active, you won't necessarily stop the development of Alzheimer's, but you will slow down it's progress.

Learning to be bilingual early in life gives you the biggest benefit, but scientists think that even learning a second language later on as an adult can give you some of the same benefits. This is part of the use or lose it philosophy that can protect you from dementia as you get older. On top of learning a second language, using crossword puzzles, solving soduko challenges and simply getting out and socializing can also help keep you mind health.

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