Monday, April 18, 2011

Kids' Sports Teams Safety

It's getting closer to summer which means it's time to start gearing up for sports teams and sports camps. However, with injuries on the rise, it's more important than ever to make sure your children stay safe.

Getting involved in sports, especially during the slow summer months is a great way for your kids to not only stay healthy, but to also develop healthy workout habits. But a little bit of protection goes a long way towards keeping them safe.

April is National Facial Protection Month. So, it's a good time to remind your children that even in sports you probably won't think much about getting mouth and tooth injuries, you still should use a mouth guard. It turns out about half of the 85,000 baseball injuries that occur every year for kids, happen to the mouth, face and head. Having a mouth guard, along with a helmet could protect them from a large percentage of these injuries.

Also, the American Academy of Pediatrics has other tips for keeping kids safe during sporting events. Besides the usual keeping hydrated, resting when tired and wearing the proper gear, they also recommend two big things. One, if it hurts to do something, then stop doing it, at least until you don't have any more pain. It's better to sit out a little bit now then to have an injury that will plague your kids all their life. Two, reduce the stress. Remind them and remember yourselves that the most important part of sports is simply to have fun. To much pressure on winning can take its toll and will certainly make things less fun for them and for you.

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