Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cell Phones & Cancer Link

The link between cell phones and cancer has been feared for some time now. Today, the World Health Organization announced the link is possible.

5 billion cell phone subscriptions are estimated worldwide. The WHO says radiation from those phones could cause cancer. That puts cell phones in the same category as lead, engine exhaust and chloroform. That goes against what we've been told before.

The WHO assured consumer no adverse health effects had been established. However, a team of scientists who reviewed studies on cell phone safety, are being more cautious.

The doctor who headed the research team, said in a statement released by the WHO, "The conclusion means that there could be some risk, and therefore we need to keep a close watch for a link between cell phones and cancer risk."

Mobile phone use is in its relatively early stages. It's only been popular for the last 15 years. The chief of neurosurgery at Cedars-Sinai says it may take sever decades of exposure before we know more about potential consequences. There's a real concern here among experts. The European Environmental Agency is pushing for more studies, saying cellphones could be as big a public health risk as asbestos and smoking.

The cell phone industry maintains there is no conclusive proof of danger. For now, experts suggest using a headset or speaker phone to avoid possible health risks.

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