Thursday, September 22, 2011

Children & Poisonings

Over half-a-million kids a year get poisoned, but what they are getting poisoned with might surprise you.

Unfortunately, around 50,000 of those children end up in the emergency room after getting poisoned by prescription medications adults have in their homes.

Anyone with a toddler or preschooler knows just how fast they can get themselves into trouble and how much they like to explore their surroundings. So imagine what happens when they come across bottles or prescription medications. And even keeping these potentially deadly medications, from blood pressure pills to narcotic pain relievers, up and out of the way doesn't always work. So, your best bet is to, number one, get rid of any and all medications that are expired or no longer needed. Storing them for future use might leave young ones vulnerable. Number two, keep a close eye on your young ones. Be especially careful when grandparents are visiting. Ask them to keep their medicines stored properly and maybe even keep their door locked.

If your child does get into pills, then your best action is to call the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center. They have toxicologists on hand to walk you through what to do and when to take the kids to the ER if necessary. That number is 1-800-222-2222.

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