Thursday, April 5, 2012

Kids Need To Get Outside

When it comes to keeping our kids healthy, it looks like we might need to spend a little more time with them outside.

It's for a couple of reasons. Number one, getting kids outside, especially the young ones, is a great way to get them some exercise. And number two, not many parents are doing this, or at least doing this enough.

Children get a lot of health benefits from playing outside including keeping them from developing obesity and giving them a lifelong habit of getting regular exercise. But over the years children have been getting out less and less. and this new study, published in the Journal Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, found that when it comes to preschool children in particular, not that many are getting outside to play as often as they should.

Researchers found that less then half the moms and only about 1 in 4 of the dads in this study took their kids outside every day to play around or even just go on a little walk. Surprisingly, these same parents said they though their neighborhoods were safe so that wasn't keeping them from going outside. Most likely it was more of a time factor since the majority of moms and dads in this study also worked outside the home.

So to help get kids outside to play more, setting up a play group with other parents might help out. That way everyone takes turns getting them that much needed outdoor time. In this case, it seems like it truly does that a village to raise a child, at least to help raise them to be as healthy as possible.

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