Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Kitty Litter Boxes Liked To Suicide?

There are many causes of depression and suicide, but could one of them be hiding out in your cat's litter box?

As surprising as it sounds, something inside kitty litter boxes might increase a woman's risk of suicide.

For years women have been advised to not empty cat litter boxes while they were pregnant. The reason is because cat feces can contain a common parasite called Toxoplasma Gondii, which is also spread through undercooked meat or unwashed vegetables. And if a pregnant woman gets infected with this parasite it can cause still births or brain damage in their unborn baby.

But we weren't really sure if it caused any problems in women themselves. Well, it looks like it might increase their chances of committing suicide. Researchers looking at over 45,000 women in Denmark found that those handling cat litter boxes had higher levels of antibodies produced from a Toxoplama infection. And those with higher Toxoplasma infection rates were also 1 1/2 times more likely to commit suicide.

The researchers involved in this study think that somehow this small parasite changes the brain a little bit and that small change can lead to emotional and behavioral issues which could lead to a higher risk of suicide.

Since they just studied women, it's not known how this parasite affects men, but the message is the same for everyone... after changing kitty litter boxes, simply wash your hands, especially before handling any food.

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