Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How About Getting A Pedometer?

Do you want to exercise more, but just can't find the time? Then how about getting a pedometer?

It's a simple device that just does one simple thing... measures how many steps you take during the day. But that simple device can also get you taking more steps every day. And that means burning more calories along the way.

These devices have been around for years and have been used time and time again in different exercise type programs. They are usually used to help measure just how much work a person is doing during the day by just walking around. Most experts recommend we try and get 10,000 steps per day to help stay fit. But with all the sitting we do at work and home, most of us get much less than that. The average one of us only takes a little more than 5,000 steps per day and that puts us in the sedentary category. But now it looks like just having a pedometer will get you to walk more. Pedometer wearers in a recent study ended up walking 2,000 more steps per day just by wearing a pedometer. They also increased their overall activity.

All that extra walking means extra calories burned each day. And that means extra pounds lost, just by strapping on that little step measuring device... the pedometer.

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