Tuesday, December 18, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

It's almost that time of year, time to make those New Year's resolutions.

Chances are you didn't keep most of them from last year, particularly the tough ones. But now it's time for new ones, especially ones dealing with your health.

First off, make a resolution to schedule a check up with your doctor. That way you can get all the necessary screening tests that are appropriate for your age, and the vaccinations that can keep you healthy. That will jump start the rest of your "get healthy" program. Remember, you don't just go to the doctor when you're sick. Treat your body like your car and schedule a regular check up now.

Next, make a resolution to find out what foods can keep you healthy and make sure you have those around the house. Get rid of the ones that aren't good for you. That bag of chips in the pantry can be too tempting to ignore at times, so put fruit or veggies in its place.

And always remember to give yourself the gift of time - everyday. Just 15 minutes a day to relax and you'll find yourself more refreshed all year long.

But also remember to stay as fit as possible. Set aside 30 minutes at least 3-4 times a week for some type of exercise. It doesn't matter as much what you do, just that you do something consistently. And while you're at it, try to stand more at home and work. That will burn calories all day long.

But the hardest part will come around late February or March as our resolutions start to gather dust. Make a decision "now" to recommit "then" to staying physically active and healthy. That's something a good strong New Year's resolution plan will help with.

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