Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Sleep Week

This is national sleep week. That's something most of us don't get nearly enough of. And not getting enough sleep could take its toll on more parts of your life than you think.

Let's face it, we're a very sleep deprived nation. That means many of us go through the day tired and spend weekends trying to catch up on the sleep we lose most days of the week. But not getting enough sleep can take its toll on all parts of your body.

Even though some of us think we can get by with less sleep, we all need between 7 to 9 hours a night. That sleep time is important because it allows our mind and body to regenerate, but in different ways. Our body mostly shuts down for the night allowing it to rebuild from the day's activities. in contrast, our mind becomes more active, trying to make sense of all the things it absorbed during the day. It's roughly equivalent to a computer trying to store data in the best places possible to allow it to work better and faster.

But all this takes time and that's where the 7 to 9 hours a night comes in. Getting less than that, especially on a regular basis can take its toll on your health. It can lead to blood pressure problems, higher obesity rates and more heart problems. It can also lead to a greater chance of simply dying younger.

So your best bet is to do the best you can and get at least 7 and preferably closer to 8 or more hours of sleep most nights. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

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