Monday, March 22, 2010

Going Bald & Prostate Cancer

Going bald early on might not be all bad news, especially when it comes to prostate cancer.

It looks like men that go bald early are also less likely to get prostate cancer.

Now, going bald early isn't something most guys look forward to. It's usually a result of genes and based on your family history it can mean a shiny dome earlier than most other guys.

But researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine have found a silver lining to this. They studied over two thousand men, aged 40 to 46, and looked at their baldness, testosterone levels and how many ended up developing prostate cancer.

It turns out those whose hair started thinning before they turned 30 had up to a 45% reduction in their risk of getting prostate cancer. More importantly, these researchers think they might have found a big clue as to why this was happening, something that could help in the fight against this type of cancer.

The clue came about because men who have higher levels of testosterone also end up losing more hair follicles early on. So now researchers are looking to see if high testosterone levels, and the early baldness--lower the chance of prostate cancer which can combine into a more effective treatment for this type of cancer. A great silver lining to any cloud.

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