Monday, March 29, 2010

Older Women & Exercise

There is new information out about how much women need to exercise as they get older in order to fight the flab... and it's probably more than you think.

This new study shows, that for women, as they get up into their late 40s and early 50s, one-hour per day is what's needed to keep the weight off.

In the past, we've talked about a whole bunch of studies showing exercising 30-minutes a day, five or more times a week, can help keep you fit. However, no one really took into consideration what happens as we get older.

Although our metabolism slows down, the truth of the matter is we also get more sedentary, yet keep eating the same as we age, and that helps add those creeping pounds you notice every year.

The researchers of this new study looked at over 34,000 women whose average age was 54, and followed them for 13 years. Those that gained little or no weight in those 13 years also ended up being the ones who consistently exercised one-hour per day.

These researchers acknowledge that not everyone can do that and say that less exercise will help keep you healthy, although it may not help you shed the unwanted weight.

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