Monday, May 31, 2010

Summer Safety Tips

This weekend is the unofficial start of summer. So, here are some tips to keep you and your family safe all summer long.

As the saying goes, “it’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt”. So here are some simple steps that can help make sure summer stays fun.

Remember that with our intense sunshine, using sunscreen to prevent burning and drinking fluids to prevent dehydration are important for everyone, even on cloudy days. This is even more important for visitors.

After a long winter, bicycles and scooters will be your children’s best friends. Just make sure they always wear a helmet, even if just in your driveway. Head injuries happen easily and can be devastating. Most kids don’t like helmets at first, but if the house rule is “no helmet, no bicycle” they’ll quickly get used to them.

Also, only let them ride during the daylight hours, wear reflective clothing and add safety lights to the front and rear of the bike. And drivers, do your part and start to keep a look out for children on bicycles or scooters.

With the warmer temperatures, we’ll also start venturing outside more to exercise. After a slow winter, you need to allow your body time to adjust to a new exercise routine. Start slowly, increasing the distance or intensity of your workout over days. Also, spend less time at first outdoors to allow your body to adjust to the hotter temperatures. Again, don’t forget to keep hydrated.

The goal here is to enjoy Colorado’s beautiful summer with your family but to do so with safety in mind.

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