Monday, July 12, 2010


As the population gets older more of us need to consider getting regular eye exams.

That's because glaucoma is one of those things you might not know you have until it's too late.

Around 4 million Americans suffer from glaucoma and it causes around 10 percent of the blindness in this country. What usually happens with this disease is the pressure inside the eye starts to build up. Over time, this build up in pressure pushes on the optic nerve at the back of the eye and that starts the process of vision loss.

The problem is that this usually goes unnoticed until a majority of the vision has been permanently lost. But a simple eye exam can find glaucoma early on, and the earlier it's found the easier it is to treat. The group Prevent Blindness America recommends a dilated eye exam every two to four years once you hit 40 and every one to two years if you're 65 or older.

The important thing is to get any glaucoma detected and to start treatment as early as possible so you can avoid what experts call “the sneak thief of sight” Like one expert puts it, you get your teeth examined just about every year, but not your eyesight. Would you rather loose your teeth or your vision?

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