Thursday, July 29, 2010

Preventing The Freshmen 15

It's time to pack up and send your freshman off to college. Just make sure when they return, they haven't packed on the pounds.

It's called "The Freshmen 15". It's pretty common and named this because a lot of college freshmen tend to gain 15 pounds or more in this first year. But by being aware of how it happens, you can help them keep off this unwanted weight.

As they start learning how to live on their own, getting along with new people, and keeping up with classes, they're going to be feeling some stress. And in stressful situations, guess what? A lot of us comfort ourselves with food, and that can cause our freshman to put on the pounds. So, try and convince them that instead of reaching for pizza or ice cream to relax, go for a walk and then get back to work. They'll be surprised at how much this will help keep the stress down.

And you know, college is also a very social environment. But often the college scene includes food, and not all of it healthy. Remind them that when they're studying late at night with friends, instead of going after the chips and dips, reach for healthier snacks like fruit and veggies. Convince them to plan ahead and store healthy snacks in the room, so they have them when it's munchies time.

Lack of exercise also helps add the pounds. Although most high school seniors tend to be fit with sports and other activities, college freshmen slow down as they spend more time studying and working. Eating right and exercising can go a long way to maintaining weight. A few gentle reminders about this during those special phone calls home might help them keep slim and trim all year.

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