Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pets Making Us Sick?

We all love our pets, but could those same pets be making you sick?

Dogs and cats get sick just like we do, but occasionally they pass those sickness on to us. And in some cases it can be a pretty nasty illness, especially if they tend to sleep with you.

A new report from the medical journal “Emerging Infectious Diseases” shows that even seemingly healthy pets can carry parasites, viruses or even bacteria. Researchers have found that over 100 different diseases can be passed from pets to us. And the biggest risk comes from cuddling them.

A recent survey by the American Kennel Club found that 21% of dog owners sleep with them on a regular basis. Although this provides comfort for both the dog and the owner it can also provide a way for infections to pass between the two.

Even though it is rare that this can happen, when it does it can be anything from a small rash to a life-threatening infection.

So, your best bet is to make sure your pet is as healthy as possible. Regular visits to the vet, keeping updated on shots and periodic grooming can help lower your chances of catching anything from them. And after your through playing with or petting them, make sure you and your children wash hands, especially before eating.

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