Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Too Much Fluoride?

The government is saying there might be too much fluoride in water across the nation and that could be causing splotchy teeth.

The federal government is now saying in some parts of the country we might be getting too much fluoride and that could be causing pitting and staining of our teeth. Back in the early 1950s the government begin urging utility systems across the country to add fluoride as a way to cut back on cavities. It was very successful and has cut down on the amount of tooth decay, especially in teens. Since then it's also been put in toothpaste, mouthwash, bottled water and even some sodas.

Now the government is saying we might be getting too much of a good thing, especially young children. And in this case too much fluoride is causing 2 out of every 5 kids seen in a recent study to have tooth streaking or spottiness. It's called fluorosis and is just one thing they are worried about.

Dental and medical groups think this announcement to cut back on fluoride is a good thing since there are so many other sources of fluoride now than in the 1950s.

As for water in this area, according to Colorado Springs Utilities, it don't add any additional fluoride to our water since it already has natural sources. Although not state mandated, other areas of the state do. To find out if fluoride is added to your water system, you can go to the CDC website at: http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/MWF/Index.asp

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