Thursday, October 6, 2011

Being Embarrassed Is Good

Are you an easily embarrassed person? If so, you may be a better person than you think.

They might seem shy and easily embarrassed to most of us, but it turns out this might actually be a good thing. A new study, just published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology used college students to study how well embarrassed people got along in society.

They had students give a speech about an embarrassing moment. Then they played a game used to measure selflessness. According to the researchers involved in this experiment, those participants who were most embarrassed also showed the most generosity.

According to one the authors of the study, moderate levels of embarrassment are a sign of virtue, more of a good thing than a bad thing. In other words, people that get easily embarrassed tend to also be more trustworthy and generous. They are also more likely to be monogamous.

But, the authors of this study do point out that this doesn't mean those of us that don't get embarrassed are just the opposite. They need more studies to look at that. But for now, they feel that embarrassment is a good thing and not something that anyone should fight.

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