Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sitting & Cancer

We all know that exercise can help keep you healthy. But did you know that sitting too long can take a heavy toll?

The amount we sit during the day could be increasing our chances of getting cancer.

And to make matters worse, all that sitting around, at home and work, might also wipe out any benefit we get from exercising.

Experts think we sit a little over 15 hours a day. Between driving to and from work, sitting at a desk, then sitting at home either in front of the TV or computer, we spend the good part of our day just sitting.

The government recommends 150 minutes a week of exercise. This can help keep us healthy by keeping our weight, blood pressure and blood sugar levels under control. But even if you do exercise this much, too much sitting around can make it seem like you don't. Being sedentary by sitting the amount most of us do can not only raise your risk of cancer but a recent study found it might also cut years off your life.

So what can you do? The best step is to keep exercising, or start a program if you aren't. Then take a look at how much you sit during the day. And change what you can. Getting a standing desk can help. Taking as many breaks as you can during the day and getting up and walking around can help too. The important part is to realize it's the little things that count. And those little things might just keep you around a bit longer.

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