Friday, January 20, 2012

Acne & Overweight Girls

Acne is one of the tough parts of the teenage years. But overweight teen girls seem to have a higher risk of this than other teens.

Most of us can think back to our teen years and remember that acne breakout right before a big event, like the prom or school photos. And today's teens still have to work through this tough skin time period in their lives. But for overweight or obese teen girls, acne might be an even tougher issue.

Researchers recently questioned teenagers about their health and lifestyle habits. They found a connection between acne and weight for girls, but surprisingly not for boys. These researchers found that girls who were overweight or obese also reported more overall problems with acne.

But what the researchers didn't know was what was causing this connection. It's possible that overweight and obese girls have more self image issues, so pay closer attention to their skin issues as well. But it's also possible that being overweight causes hormonal issues that can make acne worse. Either way, getting weight under control, for both teenage boys and girls can go a long way towards improving their health. And it might also help improve their skin as well.

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