Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Chocking Game

You may not have heard of it, but chances are your kids have. And it's a game that can be deadly.

It's called the "choking game" or sometimes just "the game" and is exactly like it sounds. Someone chokes themselves, or has someone do it for them, to try and get a buzz. But that "game" has led to deaths. And unfortunately, according to a new study, more students are doing it than we thought.

Researchers from the Sam Houston State University found that almost 1 out of every 7 students surveyed had played this deadly game at one time or another. And on the average, most of them started when they were only 14.

What essentially happens is someone will try and choke themselves with their hands, or have someone else do it. That cuts off the blood supply to the brain and causes a very brief buzz. That buzz comes from brain cells not getting the oxygen they need. Unfortunately, this also led to fainting, seizures and convulsions and in some instances death. Sometimes, something wrapped around the neck or plastic bags over the head are used for the same reason.

What the survey did show was that oftentimes the main reason for playing this game was simply curiosity. Most had heard about it from their friends. So, talking to your kids about this game and its dangers is one key to making sure they don't end up getting hurt because of it.

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