Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Baby Boomers Getting Hurt

Baby boomers listen up. There's a very good reason why you keep getting hurt.

It's because baby boomers are refusing to slow down, but all that activity comes at a price.

I tell my patients that we aren't 18 anymore. That doesn't mean we need to stop doing all that we are doing, just that we need to listen to our bodies a little bit more and give it a break when it's asking for one.

As a matter of fact, researchers just released information showing that 1 in 20 Americans over the age of 50 have some type of artificial joint. And some of those with these artificial joints might need a second one 15 or 20 years down the line. But it's not just artificial joints that are the issue. As we get older and stay more active than ever before, we are also having more pulled or torn muscles, strained ligaments that refuse to heal and just plain old pains that we never had before.

The best way to avoid these things is to simply listen to our bodies. If you are constantly getting hurt doing a certain activity, say running, then switch to something else for a while to give your body a break. Also, make sure if you are starting a new activity that you start off slow and build up as time goes one. The main point is to keep exercising because it's good for your overall health, but make sure it's not making things worse while you're at it.

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