Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Holiday Heart Health

This is the holiday season, but it's also the high time for heart attacks.

Doesn’t sound too much in line with the holiday spirit, but this is the time of the year when heart attacks peak. It is a time of fun and family get togethers, but it's also a time of high stress for many of us. That stress is one reason why deaths from heart problems peak this time of the year, with the biggest days for this being Christmas and New Years.

Besides the obvious one of stress, there are a number of other reasons this could be happening. One is that people with symptoms of heart trouble before the holidays tend to put off going to their doctor until after the holidays. They don't want to spoil everyone's special time. But if you’re having heart issues, it’s the one thing you need to do.

Also, during the holiday, many of us tend to take a break from diet and exercise routines. It’s easy to find an excuse not to work out, and with food everywhere it’s hard to stick to healthy eating. And excessive food and alcohol consumption can lead to something called “holiday heart syndrome.”

But by taking care of yourself during this holiday season, especially if you are having any heart symptoms, you can make sure this holiday remains fun and festive for everyone.

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