Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Nice Guys & Marriage

When it comes to being a nice guy your marriage should get a little more of the credit for getting you that way.

The saying used to be that nice guys finished last, but now it should be that nice guys tend to be married guys.

At least that's the findings of this latest study. Researchers set out to solve the age old dilemma---do nice guys tend to get married more often then their counterparts or is it the marriage that “trains” the guy to be nicer than he would normally be. They found it's actually a little bit of both. Not only are nice guys more likely to be married in the first place but marriage also helps improve a guys behavior, something any wife is likely to confirm.

And the interesting thing is that part of this study was done on identical twins that were raised in the same family so the guys were essentially the same in the way they were made up DNA wise and the way they were brought up. But if one got married and the other didn't the married one ended up having less antisocial behaviors than his brother. A definite vote for the wife improving a spouses niceness. And since other studies have shown married couples live longer and have less depression it seems that marriage is a win-win for both.

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