Monday, March 21, 2011

How Soon After Birth Can Moms Get Pregnant

How soon can you get pregnant after giving birth. The answer may surprise you.

How about three weeks. That means if you aren't ready for another baby so soon, you should think about using birth control right after having a child, but you need to be careful with this medication as well.

Most women don't start ovulating until around six weeks after having a baby. Breastfeeding can delay that even more. But a new review just published in the Journal Obstetrics and Gynecology found that in some cases women started ovulating just three weeks after giving birth. That means they could get pregnant after just having delivered.

Experts say that means women, especially if they aren't breastfeeding, might need to start birth control sooner than they think. But they also need to be careful with this medication since combining birth control with normal post-pregnancy hormones can increase the risk of developing blood clots. This is especially true up until six weeks postpartum.

So, if you're pregnant your best bet is to talk with your doctor before you deliver to figure out if you need to start birth control soon after.

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