Thursday, March 17, 2011

Postpartum Depression & Dads

Postpartum depression is something that doesn't just affect new mothers.

Turns out it also affects dads and issues with it even trickle down to the children.

Postpartum depression is known to affect some mothers after the birth of their child. But dads also get depressed. According to the findings of a new study, 7% of dads experience the same type of postpartum depression. And those fathers suffering from this also tend to spank their children more than other fathers. The concerning thing is that they more often spank children less than one-year-old, a time when they are more likely to get injured. This depression also tends to rob fathers of motivation they might otherwise have to read to their children, instead opting for less hands on time occupying activities like television or video games.

The concern from child experts is that fathers with postpartum depression are getting missed. The recommendation is that pediatricians talk with both mom and dad about this condition during child checkups so it can be more easily spotted and addressed.

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