Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sleep & Weight Loss

We can all use a little more sleep, right? Well it seems getting more sleep might also mean losing a bit more weight.

We can call it the big win-win. Sleep more and drop a few pounds.

But that's exactly what it looks like, at least when it comes to fighting the genes our parents gave us that can be part of the reason it's tough to shed a pound or two. As a country overall, we simply don't get enough sleep. A recent study showed that 40% of us actually get less than 6 hours a night. And not getting enough sleep can take its toll on your body and your health. But other research has hinted that getting too much sleep, more than 9 hours a night, might also be taking its toll, mainly by increasing your risk for heart disease.

But when it comes to weight loss, the story has been a little confusing. Some studies have hinted that sleeping too much can make it tougher to lose weight. This newest study shows the opposite. At least when it comes to how our genes affect how we pack on the pounds.

Researchers at the University of Washington found that those sleeping longer at night, more than 9 hours, also had lower BMIs, especially genetically similar twins. So, they figure that sleeping longer might help overcome those gene's tendencies in some to help them carry around a few unwanted pounds. And as an added benefit, you won't be joining the rest of us yawning all day long.

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