Tuesday, May 15, 2012


If you hear a bump in the night, it just might be someone sleepwalking.

Turns out, about 1 out of 3 of us sleepwalk. That's what new research is showing, that it might be more common than we thought.

A new study out of the Stanford Sleep Epidemiology Research Center not only found that 30% of us have had a sleepwalking episode sometime in our lives, but that around 4% of us have done it recently. And the sticky part is that people that sleepwalk usually don't even know they did it. It's the others in the house that let them know. And although sleepwalking runs in families, according to these researchers, if you have depression or obsessive compulsive disorder than your chances of sleepwalking go up. On top of that, those taking sleeping pills or antidepressants also had a higher chance of sleepwalking. But part of that could be because of the depression and not necessarily the antidepressant medications.

So, if you do hear that "bump" in the night and notice someone sleepwalking the best thing to do is to slowly and gently guide them back to bed. Keeping them safe, since oftentimes they don't really know what they are doing is important.

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