Thursday, November 19, 2009


As of last week, there were 11 deaths in Colorado because of the H1N1 flu, and five of those where children.The one thing about this flu that has experts and parents concerned is that it is hitting healthy children much more than the normal seasonal flu.To date, around thirty percent of childrens deaths due to the H1N1 virus have been in otherwise healthy children. And for some, the change from simple flu like symptoms to life threatening symptoms came on quickly. So as a parent, what can you look for in your child---when do you need to take them in to be seen?Number one, deaths from this flu, even in children, are rare and mostly affect those with other medical conditions. And if you son or daughter has the flu, they are going to have a fever, cough and body aches and possibly some diarrhea and vomiting. If you notice any breathing difficulties---you see them breathing faster, or having a hard time catching their breath, they need to be seen by a doctor immediately. The same goes if you notice any skin blueness, especially in the fingertips or lips.Also, if they get dehydrated, they get into trouble. So watch for excessive thirst or fatigue. Especially if you have a hard time waking them up or interacting with them. And for smaller children, if they seem extra irritable they should get checked out.And with this flu in particular, if they seem to be improving, only to get worse again quickly, especially with high fevers and a worse cough, have a physician take a look at them.Again, even with the H1N1 flu, deaths are rare, but it's always a good idea to at least talk with a medical provider if you have any questions about your child's health.

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