Thursday, November 19, 2009

When it comes to losing weight, one group in particular has more success than most.
Consumer Reports has found the not so secret secret that successful dieters share.
In their latest survey they asked over twenty one thousand subscribers questions about their current weight, previous weight and what they've done to try and lose that weight. And what they found is pretty basic. Those most successful at losing weight didn't use expensive diet plans or diet pills. Instead they lost weight and kept it off mostly on their own.
The survey divided people into a variety of groups. One group they called the "always thin" ---those that cause extensive jealousy because they never gain weight. Another group were the "successful losers" ----those that
lost weight and kept it off for three years.
The surprising part of the survey was that these two groups, the always thin and the successful losers, did the same things to keep at a good weight. Both regularly ate healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and stayed away from excessive dietary fat. They also practiced portion control and engaged in regular vigorous exercise.
None of the other groups, including the biggest set--- the failed
dieters--- did this. So it seems like the secret to losing and keeping off weight doesn't necessarily involve a lot more than eating healthy and exercising regularly.

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