Thursday, November 19, 2009

May 20th

Nobody wants to work forever, but working a little longer might be one key to stopping Alzheimer's.It turns out that delaying retirement might be one way to delay the onset of Alzheimer's dementia.First off a couple of Alzheimer facts to put this all in perspective. Dementia, and that includes Alzheimer's, not only robs a person of their memory, but can also devastate an entire family, and it can eventually become fatal. Right now around five million people are living with Alzheimer's, which is also the seventh leading cause of death in this country.There is no cure for this disease and medication can help slow it down, but new research has started to focus on ways to prevent it. We know that keeping healthy early on, as well as exercising your mind can help, but a new study says one simple step you can take is to simply put off retirement for a while.In this British study researchers found that in the men they followed, working longer, regardless of the type of job, meant avoiding this mind robbing disease longer as well. As a matter of fact, they found that for every year someone delayed retirement, they also put off developing dementia.Part of the reason might be because of the mental stimulation you get from working on a daily basis, kind of a constant brain exercise that can keep Alzheimer's at bay, at least for a while.

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